Dead Good Poets
Dead Good Poets presented monthly poetry gatherings in Aberdeen under the leadership
of poet Gerard Rochford from 2003 until 2009. From 2010 these monthly events continued
as Poetry Aberdeen until 2012.
This online anthology of poetry by writers from and associated with Aberdeen was
published by Dead Good Poets in 2006/2007 with funding from
Aberdeen City Council.
For more information about the literary scene in Aberdeen and North-East Scotland
please see North East Writers.
Also from Dead Good Poets
Dead Good Poets produced three books of poetry, published by Koo Press and launched
at Books and Beans in Aberdeen as part of the Wordfringe Festival.
Sex in the City (2006) was described
as a collection of "poems that are loving, sensual, lustful or just plain filthy".
There's a Poem in my Soup
(2007) combined food-themed poetry with soup recipes by Craig Willox of Books and
Beans, and was sold in aid of Children 1st. All proceeds from sales of the second
edition go to Macmillan Cancer Support.
There's a Bairn in my Broth
(2008) followed a similar pattern. This time poems on the theme of childhood were
interspersed with further soup recipes. Again the first edition was sold in aid
of Children 1st and the second edition in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support.